Here in the UK we have a scheme called Public Lending Right, through
which authors, who have signed up to the scheme, get payments based
on the loans of their books. Not great but handy sums.
It is based on lending figures from a selection of libraries which
are changed at frequent intervals, so can be a bit hit or miss for
less popular authors who may not be bought by every library. Not sure
if overseas authors are allowed to participate. If you want to know
more, PLR's website is
--- In, sonny <sforstater@...> wrote:
> good news/bad news. i can no longer afford books. i use the
library. my library is pretty good (philadelphia), but there are and
will be more cutbacks by the government.
> they have just a handful of the HCC's
> do authors get any money when people take out books from the
library or just whatever from the copies the library purchases?
> --- On Sun, 11/23/08, Jeff Vorzimmer <jvorzimmer@...> wrote:
> From: Jeff Vorzimmer <jvorzimmer@...>
> Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Hard Case Crime series
> To:
> Date: Sunday, November 23, 2008, 4:32 PM
> > I have enjoyed many of the Hard Case Crime titles. In a sign of
> > receding economy, our local Borders (a very large store) stopped
> > stocking the new titles about three months ago. I'm sure other
> > persons have similar news about problems in the publishing and
> > retail industries.
> My Borders still carries them and has since the beginning. My local
> though, has never carried them.
> Jeff
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