Spent the say at the NYC Paperback and Pulp Fiction Book Expo in NYC and picked up (among other books) these
The Big Clock by Kenneth Fearing, Bantam 1949, a really good, tight copy.
Two Richard S Prather books, Have Gat--Will Travel and Lie, Down Killer, both Gold Medal, 1957 and 1961
Three Parker novels by Richard Stark: The Jugger, Pocket Books 1965; The Seventh, Pocket 1966; The Black Ice Score, Fawcett Gold Medal 1968
The Name of the Game Is Death by Dan J Marlowe, Fawcett Gold Medal 1973, part of the uniform Drake series
The Way We Die Now by Charles Willeford, Ballantine 1988
The Getaway by Jim Thompson, Bantam 1973
Violence Is My Business by Stephen Marlowe, Gold Medal 1958
Fires That Destroy by Harry Whittington, Black Lizard 1988
Wish I could read them all tonight. More about the day at my blog:
Ed & Edgar, my adventures in the cult of Poe
The Bibliothecary, a blog of literary endeavour.
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