Jim, can't seem to get the URL to pull up anything ---- even tried various phrases in a search engine, and couldn't find anything (gave up after 3 pages, each Search).
Any clue how to access this article you found...???
Many Thanks,
--- On Fri, 10/10/08, jim <jim@feltoncpa.org> wrote:
From: jim <jim@feltoncpa.org>
To: PulpMags@yahoogroups.com, "rare" <rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com>
Date: Friday, October 10, 2008, 1:11 PM
Next Thurdsay, October 16, marks the centennial of the birth of Robert
Martin, creator of detective Jim Bennett, author of 22 mystery novels and
over 50 detective stories in BLACK MASK (8 stories), DIME DETECTIVE (23
stories), etc. Below is the link to a newspaper article concerning events
that will take place
htthttp://www. advertiser- tribune.com/ page/content. detail/id/ 509480.html? nav=5062
It is looking like there will be a new Robert Martin novel, left finished
but unpublished at his death in 1976.
Jim Felton
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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