> Behalf Of Randy Krbechek
> I just finished one of the new Hard Case titles, "No House Limit" by
> Steve Fisher (1958). . . Just a good, fast-paced story, with lots of
> details and lore mixed in.
Too much detail in my opinion...I felt it really bogged the story down and
detracted from strong characterizations. I didn't care for NO HOUSE LIMIT.
I've read a couple other Steve Fisher books, and found both more compelling
than this novel.
My luck with HCC has been hit-and-miss lately...I picked up ZERO COOL, BABY
MOLL and NO HOUSE LIMIT, and read them one right after another. The only
one I truly cared for was Lange's ZERO COOL, but even that one was
problematic in spots. NO HOUSE LIMIT I mention above, and Farris' BABY MOLL
was both predictable and, frankly, dull.
I don't find these books to be representative of HCC, though -- more the
exception(s) than the rule. They can't all be winners.
Ron C.
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