> Let us know what you think of the read, pal. Early Ellison should be good!
> Steve
Steve, keep in mind Harlan Ellison and Hal Ellson are two different
ps: Easy to get their names confused though...I see I even did it myself
once in the orig. message.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Ron Clinton <clinton65@comcast.net>
> To: rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, 31 August, 2008 7:37:43 AM
> Subject: RARA-AVIS: Hal Ellson...
> I picked up today at my local mystery bookseller a collection that I
> heard about before...so thought I'd pass on an alert:
> RAW RUMBLES, The Hal Ellson Omnibus, features DUKE ('49), TOMBOY ('50)
> and
> THE KNIFE ('61).
> I've not read the old Juvenile Delinquent stuff before, but have always
> Ellison (among others) plastered all over the pbo mail-order catalogues
> whatnot, so figured it was time to give JD a try. Since Ellson is
> regarded as the Father of this sub-genre, this would seem like a good
> to start.
> Amazon has it here:
> http://www.amazon. com/Raw-Rumbles- Hal-Ellson- Omnibus/dp/ 0977895238/
> ref=sr_1_
> 1?ie=UTF8&s= books&qid= 1220131823& sr=8-1
> Ron C.
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> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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