RARA-AVIS: The NYC Book Launch for THE MAX

From: crimeflix (jmks100@aol.com)
Date: 22 Aug 2008

  • Next message: JIM DOHERTY: "RARA-AVIS: Re: The Dark Knight"

    I guess this is sort of on-topic. In early September 4 in Manhattan, Ken Bruen and I are having a book party for our just released book The Max, and Alison Gaylin is launching her thriller Heartless. If any Rara- Avians live in the NYC area it would be great to see you there. Many other noir/hardboiled types should be there as well, including Charles Ardai, Megan Abbott, etc. All the info is below. Cheers, Jason

    Please join us for the book launches of THE MAX (by Ken Bruen and Jason Starr) and HEARTLESS (by Alison Gaylin) at Otto Penzler's lengendary The Mysterious Bookshop on 58 Warren Street in NYC on Thursday Sept. 4 at 6:30 pm. Jason Starr and Ken Bruen will read from THE MAX -- their darkly hilarious and critically acclaimed sequel to BUST and SLIDE. Alison will read from her standalone thriller, HEARTLESS -- which centers around a romantic trip to Mexico gone very, very wrong... Wine, beer, etc will be served. Doorprizes will include a $50 gift certificate to the Mysterious Bookshop -- and a couple of special surprises. Hope to see you there! More info at: www.jasonstarr.com

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