> Since summer is winding down, I was hoping some people might share some
> of their favorite "summer reads" (from this summer or another), you
> know, just trashy diversions.
I spent the last month reading six, count 'em six, Robert Bloch novels. Two
of these were the HCC reprints of the Ace Doubles, three were collected in
The Unholy Trinity and finally, a copy of Psycho. The guy definitely had
insight into abnormal psychology, though you couldn't tell so much by the
HCC reprints, both of which I enjoyed none-the-less. After Psycho, they were
the best novels. Lots of suspense in all six, but his writing is a little
too emotionally detached to be very interesting. All of his main characters
have one thing in common in that they all detest the human race, but, as a
reader, they just doesn't convince me. It's not enough for a character just
to tell me he hates people, I need to know why and it should be for a fairly
convincing reason.
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