> >
> The problem is not that Burke repeats the stories (he doesn't) but
> that his series is very protagonist-centered. If you get sick of
> Robicheaux and his shtick, that's it.
Actually, I think there's quite a bit of repetition. The themes are
almost always the same. The criminals come in only a few flavors...
corrupt person of power/wealth...street hood, often painted as not
having much choice in the matter...and the psychopaths. The
repetition of those psychopaths is what I find tiresome. The guy in
Tin Roofblowdown I've been reading about for 20 years.
I like Robicheaux but whenever I
> read a Burke novel, I wait a long time before reading another.
I've read them all, so this means it's always a year until I read
another. Usually by the time the new book is released I'm ready for
Dave/Burke. That doesn't seem to be the case this time.
In my experience, Burke tells
> the South like it is. His knowledge is very intimate.
For the most part I agree, though I think he's writing more of a
romanticized view of it from his youth. And he often writes as though
the Confederate War just happened decades ago. Robicheaux's Louisiana
is metaphorically correct in my opinion. It's just received a lot of
embellishment. Not a criticism, in fact, I like it.
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