--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Allan Guthrie" <allan@...> wrote:
> Yeah, it's widespread all right. But yet in 1991 in Philadelphia
> ('Goodis Triumphant'), we're told that Goodis 'didn't drink' and
'died of a
> heart attack.' Curious how that information came to change so long
> his death.
People drank like fish in the old days... he needn't even have been a
particularly heavy drinker by the standards of that era in order to
get cyrrhosis. I read somewhere that the per capita amount of liquor
consumed by Americans up until the sixties was more than twice what is
is today... and people drink a lot today. There was apparently no
consciousness that alcohol seriously fucks you up, that it actually
kills your brain cells. I know, I know, The Lost Weekend, but that was
not taken to be a typical story. The guy was an intellectual! He
probably got fucked up because he read too many books.
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