Lucarelli is published by City Lights in the US and Vintage in the UK.
Carlotto is published by Europa Editions which is (I think) a US outfit that also distributes in the UK.
Bitter Lemon, though, are putting out Carofiglio's books and a lot of other great Euro crime.
----- Original Message ----
From: davezeltserman <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 3:01:51 PM
Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: Italo-noir
> Italy seems to be producing some of the best hardboiled/noir books
> Carofiglio's 'The Past Is Another Country' is one of my favourite
books of the year. Really captures the slippery thrill of crime.
> Carlo Lucarelli's 'Almost Blue' is one I would recommend. With its
obsession with sound and its colourful killer I would say it's the
closest I have seen a book come to an Italian 'giallo' (movie, that
> Currently reading 'Death's Dark Abyss' by Massimo Carlotto. Punchy.
As. Hell.
> What impresses me about all these writers is their pace and
economy. They're all confident enough in their material to forego the
(sometimes tedious) flourishes that more literary fiction indulges
> Have a copy of Crimini myself. Haven't read it yet but look forward
to comments.
> Anyone have similar writers to recommend?
> Sean Shapiro
> _C
Sean, both Massimo Carlotto and Carlo Lucarelli have strong stories
in Crimini. I'll be looking for their books that you mentioned. I'm
assuming Bitter Lemon published them?
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