RARA-AVIS: Re: The Dark Night. No, the Noir Knight. No, the Black Knight. Oh, g

From: davezeltserman (davezelt@rcn.com)
Date: 28 Jul 2008

  • Next message: Dick Lochte: "RARA-AVIS: About that noir/ not noir script"

    Hey Jim, for a second there I thought you had me sitting handcuffed in a police interrogation room. I certainly wasn't going to respond to anything starting with "How the hell...", as I wouldn't expect you or anyone else to either. But given this, I'll explain my take on "Sin City" as hardboiled pulp with noir archetypes.

    Too me the stories in Sin City were pure hardboiled pulp but were populated with exaggerated prototypes or ideas of characters typically found in a noir work. Marv, the framed and double-crossed criminal fighting for his life, Hartigan, betrayed by his fellow cops, and willing to sacrifice his life for the beautiful girl. Maybe if these characters weren't so exaggeratedly drawn I might've looked at these stories as noir, but as it was these characters were more what I'd consider archetypes from a noir universe. Hope that's clear.


    --- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, JIM DOHERTY <jimdohertyjr@...> wrote:
    > Dave,
    > Re my comment below:
    > "Oh, I bet I know. 'It has a dark, sinister atmosphere, but if I
    admit that's the defining element of noir, I'll be agreeing with Jim, so I'll just weasle out by referring to "noir archetypes that are somehow not noir in themselves" and hope nobody calls me on it.'"
    > As I read that over now it has a meaner-spirited tone than I thought
    it did when I sent it.
    > Without taking back the substance of the comments, I do apologize if
    it sounded less in the spirit of good-natured give-and-take than I was going for.

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