--- In rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Mark Finn" <markfinn@...> wrote:
> Hi Carrie:
> I loved O'Neil's Question series. Probably the best thing he wrote,
> post-seventies Batman. Brilliant stuff, and wonderfully hard-boiled.
It's one of my favorite series. And even though it seems you're sour
on Rucka, I have to mention that he did some great Question stories of
his own -- his "Huntress:Cry for Blood" uses the character to great
effect, and recently he but out "The Question: Five Books of Blood"
which deals with a new character to take on the Question identity.
> I've unfortunately been driven from Batman (and most of DC) by the
> editorial staff, the insistence on group-plotted projects, and a
> bewildering foot-dragging tendency to stay mired in 1994's marketing
> plan.
> When the Brubaker stuff hits collected form, I'll give it a look.
Being mostly a Marvel girl, I can't argue with that. Though Bru's DC
work is over and done, and probably as collected as it's gonna get; I
heard a rumor there's going to be a hardcover Gotham Central
collection but I haven't seen it yet. I read the whole thing in trade
paperback, though.
> That Cap story he did was bloody brilliant. Yeah, Brubaker has the
> chops. His stuff has guts, which is a nice change of pace from what we
> are usually served.
Are you reading 'Criminal,' then? It's probably some of the purest
pulp/noir fiction out there now, with reliably interesting HB/noir
discussion in the back matter.
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