Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Super Heroes, Comics, and Noir

From: Sean Shapiro (
Date: 25 Jul 2008

  • Next message: caroli1975: "RARA-AVIS: Re: The Dark Knight"

    What is noir? Says the OED: A genre of crime film or detective fiction characterized by cynicism, sleaziness, fatalism, and moral ambiguity; film noir. Also: a film or novel in this genre.

    Does that help? Didn't think so.

    ----- Original Message ---- From: jacquesdebierue <> To: Sent: Friday, July 25, 2008 2:31:36 PM Subject: RARA-AVIS: Re: Super Heroes, Comics, and Noir

    --- In rara-avis-l@ yahoogroups. com, "Sandra Ruttan" <sandraruttan@ ...> wrote:
    > Is motivation a critical component in defining any genre or subgenre?

    It depends on how it is presented. Some characters are enigmatic, you don't know why they do what they do, and perhaps they themselves don't know. And other are presented in such a contradictory (or complex) way that motivation cannot be extricated. I am thinking of Connelly's Lincoln lawyer, for example. Is he merely greedy? Does he mainly want to succeed? Who is he? What does he care about? It's not at all clear by the end of the book. Maybe Connelly plans to bring him back in the future... he could do it because the character remains enigmatic.





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