Mark responded to my nitpicking with:
"Comics are a story telling medium, in the same way that movies are a
story telling medium and books are a story telling medium. Some stories
may work better in certain medium, but essentially, there's nothing
sub-par nor stunted about comics, only the stories that they usually
"Will that work?"
Yup, works for me. I think anyone conversant with all three media can
think of examples of each that could not be done as effectively in
either of the other media.
Or, to put it another way, this is why good adaptations are rarely
equivalents. Changes have to be made in order to accomodate the
transition. I'm not talking about faithfulness to the source material
here, but faithfulness to the medium. For example, Robert Stone tried
to adapt his Dog Soldiers to the screen. However, he finally admitted
to himself that he could not give up any of his novel, even though he
knew he needed to to make it filmable. Finally, he handed the project
over to another screenwriter. He was quite happy with the finished
script, felt it was faithful to his book even though it had been
seriously streamlined.
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