From: cuppscott (scottcupp@earthlink.net)
Date: 22 Jul 2008

  • Next message: Patrick King: "Re: glorifying violence (was Re: RARA-AVIS: Elmore Leonard)"

    Joe Lansdale is certainly a friend of the noir and hardboiled mystery, especially those tinged with a macabre humor. He has asked for help from the Rare Birds in getting the sales out fast and furious on his new title LEATHER MAIDEN. Bill Crider has read a pdf of the book and posted a review which can be read here:

    http://billcrider.blogspot.com/2008/04/leather-maiden-joe-r- lansdale.html

    The book is being published August 5, a mere two weeks away. IF you are interested and see fit, he would appreciate your pre-ordering your copies so that the sales trend starts off with a bang.

    He and I thank you for any assistance you can give this book.

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