All this talk about Tuesday Weld rekindled a 38-year-old memory of spending
the afternoon with her. I was assigned an interview in conjunction with the
about-to-be-released movie A Safe Place. The location was her suite at the
Chateau Marmont, the historically noir Hollywood hotel where John Belushi
gave it up. I was in the lobby, watching Christopher Walken talk with a guy
who may have been his agent, when she rushed in, late. Looking great, of
course. Heading up in a very tiny elevator, I noticed that an ad for the
movie depicting her and Orson Welles, had been pasted on the door and that
somebody had used a knife to cut out her eyes. When I pointed that out, she
smiled and shook her head in a people-are-so-silly gesture. Her sitting room
was filled with empty pizza boxes and open cans of diet cola and full
ashtrays. She invited me to sit. Then, ever the hostess, asked if I wanted a
cola. When I said yes, she picked up an almost empty glass from the coffee
table and began filling it with the dregs from the open cans. For the next
couple of hours, while that glass remained untouched much to her amusement,
we talked of many things. As I recall, she said she knew Elvis. And Raymond
Burr was an old friend. But there was no mention of Mick or the Stones or
Ruby Tuesday. And, had there been a connection, I think it would have come
Dick Lochte
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