I recently watched Johnnie To's Exiled. The box made the film look like
it revolved around a splintered criminal gang that comes back together
for revenge when the guy they think double crossed the rest comes back
to town. However, he claims he didn't do it and convinces them to do
one more job to make up for the lost money. They agree, but none of
them really trust the others.
As it turns out, the movie doesn't really follow that jacket copy, moves
in a very different direction after about 10 minutes. However, that
plot seems very familiar to me. I feel like I've read it or seen it
somehere else. A section of James Reasoner's Dust Devils hinges on a
similar idea, but I'm thinking of a full book or movie that follows this
heist, with nobody trusting the partners: will there be another double
cross? will somebody seek revenge? Any ideas on where I have read/seen
this before?
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