Allan Guthrie's Hard Man was pretty disturbing. His new one,
Savage Night, which I haven't finished yet, also
On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 2:03 AM, jacquesdebierue
<> wrote:
> --- In, DJ-Anonyme@...
>> Mario,
>> Is Word Made Flesh the first novel of
O'Connell's you read? Wow,
>> they're all dark, but that's by far the darkest.
I recently picked up a
>> used copy of the first, Box Nine, to introduce a
friend to the series.
>> He became intrigued when I rambled on about it
one day, and he doesn't
>> usually read crime fiction, doesn't read much
fiction of any kind.
> Actually, I had read about a third of Box Nine, but
the reading was
> aborted by a trip and I never finished it. The
reason I didn't pick it
> up again is that right after the return trip I got
ahold of Michael
> Pollan's _The Omnivore's Dilemma_, which absorbed me
quite a bit. A
> disturbing nonfiction book... about the corn
economy, meat and what we
> eat. Very disturbing. If Mel Brooks ever gets around
to writing a
> musical on this subject, the song "Cornholed by
Corn" will be as big a
> hit as "Springtime for Hitler". Anyway, I'm donating
the idea.
>> And thanks for pointing out the short story. I
didn't know he had any.
>> I'll have to check it out.
> I just looked it up in the shelves. It's in the 2004
edition of Best
> American Mystery Stories (edited by Nelson DeMille).
The story is _The
> Swag at Doc Hawthorne's_. By the way, that volume
also has fine
> stories by raravians Dich Lochte and Rob
> Best,
> mrt
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