--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "jacquesdebierue"
<jacquesdebierue@...> wrote:
> --- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "foxbrick" <foxbrick@>
> > Sturgeon was the first and most obvious model
for Ray Bradbury,
> > also was fond of such things.
> > Is "lurid" the word you'd use to describe
Sturgeon, Mario? Even
> > when blatant, I'm not sure I'd go with
> I think so. Or at least in Technicolor. You're right
Bradbury. I
> keep his books handy and occasionally, late at
night, I read a
> The other day I read that great one about
Hemingway's parrot.
> Terrific. And the one about the icecream suit gives
me the shivers
> every time I read it. Sturgeon and Bradbury have a
very similar
> on me, though I had never pondered influences until
> They teach Bradbury but they don't teach Sturgeon --
an injustice
> Sturgeon.
And to the students. If anything, Bradbury is much more prone
to the lurid...and Sturgeon to the profound.
Sturgeon's hardboiled horror: "A Way of Thinking," You've
been warned.
Todd Mason
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