--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, BaxDeal@... wrote:
> > The unwillingness of society at large to
> > that criminal activity is a mental illness is
at the
> > forefront of its proliferation.
> >
> if you define narcissism as mental illness, ok. but
refusing to
play by
> society's rules for one's own benefit isn't
necessarily mental
illness. it's a
> choice made by free-willed men and women
Well, if narcissism is a mental illness, then we've got
trouble, man. Christopher Lasch wrote an entire book on the
condition (The Culture of Narcissism)... wait, according to
Lasch, the national sanitarium must have about 300 million
guests, delegates and superdelegates in it. And I'm leaving
out pets!
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