BaxDeal@aol.com wrote:
> Scarlett lived in a misogynist
> society. but while we're breaking rocks here,
> suggest it were the SLAVES
> she owned who were the truly oppressed
****************************************************** Both
the slaves AND the women were "oppressed." That's clearly
Mitchell's point. Scarlett's mother, Ellen, was the midwife
for slaves and poor whites alike but she had nothing like the
social standing in the community allotted to her alcoholic
husband who won their plantation in a poker game. In the
meantime, the plantation was actually run by Big Sam. This
was a way of life which was a terrible error when it was
first embarked upon. Anyone with foresight would have seen
how it would turn out. But none of us with out two-hundred
year vantage point, are fit to judge those people who lived
it. One could argue that slavery with food, shelter and
clothes thrown in is a better deal than $5.50 per hour
minimum wage and you figure out how to pay $4 a gallon to get
to work. Change is mostly cosmetic.
Patrick King
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