Neglected to note the volume title: "Dead and Dying."
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:21 PM, Patrick <> wrote:
> For those interested in the graphic novel end of
things, I just saw
> that a third volume of Ed Brubaker's "Criminal"
series has been
> solicited, due out July 2.
> "The third collection of Ed Brubaker and Sean
> critically-acclaimed noir series follows a different
twist of the
> knife this time--telling three interlinking stories
that take place
> during the early 1970s and swirl around the fate of
a hard-luck Femme
> Fatale, a boxer and a thief and killer just home
from Vietnam. Each
> story is told from a different narrative
point-of-view, so we can see
> the varied secrets and hidden desires that
ultimately lead to a lot of
> murder and mayhem."
> Pat
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