i saw the second showing during the festival (white and
muller not in attendance). well worth seeing. i had never
heard of it either. muller's short is another blast. the
great lionel stander does the narration, btw.
--- Edward Pettit <
epetti01@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gonzalo Baezawrote:
> >Has anyone seen this movie? What a little noir
> Yes. Had the pleasure of seeing Blast in a theatre
during NoirCon in
> Philly last month. Mike White and Eddie Muller
introduced it along with
> Muller's short film, The Grand
> For those who haven't seen Blast, it contains a
second person
> narration ("You walk the streets," etc) that sounds
as if it's the
> conscience or psyche of the lead character, a hit
man stalking his prey
> on the streets of NYC at Christmastime. It's
shocking, and funny at
> times. Baeza's right, it's a real gem. And it's as
noir as they come.
> I'm looking forward to getting the DVD so I can
watch the docu and
> listen to the commentary. Mike White has a short
review here:
> and here's the trailer (the narration on the trailer
is not from the
> film):
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY6ao0-4Ff4
> Ed
> The Bibliothecary, a blog of literary
> The Ed & Edgar blog, my adventures in the cult
of Poe
> http://bibliothecary.squarespace.com/
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