I have been putting off seeing this movie. There was once a
time when I would have rushed out to see anything with
Ellroy's name attached to it, and I'm kind of surprised it
took so long for anyone to bring it up on this list. It would
seem like a movie with an Ellroy penned story would a big
screaming deal on a list dedicated to hard boiled crime
fiction. It seems, however, to have hardly made an impression
on anyone. It wasn't too long ago that Ellroy was the toast
of the hard boiled world. It seems to me, like some of the
shine has worn off. I know I kind of got sick of him mouthing
off about his dead mother, and doing the tortured genius
shtick. It began to get unseemly, quite frankly. He suffered
a great loss as a kid and had a terrible childhood, but his
dwelling on it so much began to make me uncomfortable. It's
unsettling to see a grown man work out his mommy issues so
publicly. Has Ellroy gone off the rails, and squandered his
cachet? What say you fellow list members?
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