I recently read Vinnie's Head by Marc Lecard. It was an
enjoyable dark comedy, but the plot didn't really make any
sense. Still it was a fun enough that I didn't put it down.
Half the trick with these Hiassenesque crime comedies is to
make them amusing enough that the incredible coincidences and
plot holes don't grate on the nerves enough to make you give
up on the characters. Lecard was entirely successful in that
regard, and I'll be willing to read his next work.
On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 12:30 PM, jacquesdebierue
jacquesdebierue@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Since we didn't have a topic for May, I propose
making May the Month
> of the Novissimi -- brand new or at least VG+
(slight crease in spine)
> authors, guys or gals with a few books at the most,
or just some
> stories. New blood, I see wheat, etc. Shoot
> Best,
> mrt
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