--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Patrick King
<abrasax93@...> wrote:
> My problem with Agatha Christie is that her
> have no connection to real life and never did.
> knows absolutely nothing about actual crime
> criminals. I think that's why she's so popular.
> are the types of criminals people would like to
> Her imagination is as limited as that of her
Many of her characters are nasty people. While she does not
give them a proper life, they don't strike me as purely
invented puppets either. It's a strange world if you come
from hardboiledland, but still recognizably human. The
emphasis on the puzzle is clear, but the puzzle would not do
its job on the reader if the characters were too
unbelievable. Now, if you are talking about Christie's
England versus the real England of folks in the streets, I am
sure that the distance is enormous.
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