--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Gonzalo Baeza"
<gbaeza@...> wrote:
> I'd add Dan Marlowe and Harry Whittington there. How
about Dennis
> Lehane?
> I like Jason Starr but have only read his latest
novel. Is he good
> enough to be ranked with the classics?
I think so. What's strange is that I had that feeling after
reading his first book.
> Since Manuel Vá³±uez Montalbá® was included in the
original list, I'd
> also add another great Spanish crime fiction author:
> Gonzᬥz Ledesma.
The late Vằuez Montalbᮠwrote a great series with Pepe
Carvalho and his sidekick Biscuter, but I don't know if he
would make the top 25. I already had to leave Manchette and
Charles Williams out, and several stars from the pulp era...
it was painful. Also I didn't include Kent Harrington because
his output so far has been small, but then I did include
Nathanael West because he wrote two classic masterpieces.
This is not entirely rational, of course, because Harrington
also has written masterpieces. About Fernᮤez Ledesma, he's
good but I wouldn't rank him in the same class as Montalbá®® I
should probably have included Manuel de Pedrolo, but he is
too little known even in Spain (outside of Catalunya) and
totally unkown in English, as far as I know. And crime
fiction is only a relatively small part of his enormous
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