--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Busted Flush Press
<bustedflushpress@...> wrote:
> University of Chicago mentioned that they have no
plans at this time
to do Grofield, and frankly, shhhhhh, don't get them
sidetracked... we need them focused on the Parkers first!
Foul Play Press reprinted all four as trades in 1990. I
bought my copies at a bookstore that had them a few years
after that. I have occasionally seen one or two of them in a
used bookstore, but I've never seen the original editions.
Almost all my pre-COMEBACK Parkers are the Avon reprints from
the 80's though I have seen some of the originals from the
60's. The first I bought few are the trades from Allison
Busby. After I read those I started looking for the rest.
Pre- internet it took a few years to find all of them.
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