--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Kevin Burton Smith
<kvnsmith@...> wrote:
<<It's worth noting that the 70s/early 80s female
private eye boom
(Muller, Grafton, Paretsky, Cody, Lippman, Dunant, etc.)
occurred after Susan had become a regular. So you could blame
Parker for that too....>>
But out of that entire lot you mention, there isn't one I
would reread. I tried to reread a Grafton (her "C") recently
and I regret to say that it read like kids' stuff, and also
very dated. It surprised me because I had liked her first six
or seven books in the series, and my memory was that "C" was
one of the best. This time it was hard to get to the end.
Last year I had a similar experience with Paretsky during a
trip, though it was not as bad as with Grafton.
I am not sure what will endure out of that eighties explosion
of the PI novel...
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