--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, <valdin@...>
> Hello,
> I found this group when I googled James Atlee
Phillips. Evidently,
you folks had a thread running on him, oh, about...7 years
> Is there anyone out there who still knows anythiing
about him?
> In particular, I'm trying to find a copy of his
oilfield story,
called THE BIG RIG, which was published in The Nation's
Business, in February, 1953.
> I know this is a long shot, but I'm giving it a try
anyway. Can
anyone help me with this? Any suggestions or leads?
> Thanks much,
> Leonard Hough
> Austin, Texas
Two thoughts on finding that story. There is a magazine
called "Nation's Business" that is published by the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce. It didn't publish fiction when I used to
see copies in the 1980s but that doesn't mean it didn't in
the early 1950s. The U.S. Chamber is a huge operation in
Washington, DC and I would be surprised if they didn't have a
complete run of the magazine.
Secondly, this is a real long shot but James Atlee Phillips'
son Shawn Phillips was living in Austin, Texas the last I
heard. Shawn achieved some renown as a musician and is still
rocking at the age of 65 according to the website
Richard Moore
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