Sorry to say that I disagree with most of your points
(although I haven't had the benefit of reading the book yet).
I think that there are clearly color noirs; I think that
Leave Her to Heaven, although anomalous in some ways, clearly
qualifies (and is more "noir" than some black and white
noirs, including Laura); I think the acting is fine and, in
the case of Tierney, brilliant; I think the film as a whole
has style to burn and is actually superior to Laura as a
directorial achievement.
I think that covers it!
On 3/26/08, Jeff Vorzimmer <> wrote:
> I just finished reading Leave Her to Heaven by Ben
Ames Williams, which
> I
> mentioned having picked up at City Lights in SF. I
bought it thinking it
> would be kind of a cross between Laura and Bedelia.
In fact it came out in
> 1944, the year between those two books and was the
7th best-selling novel
> of
> that year and although it shares a lot of the same
plot elements as the
> Vera
> Caspary novels, I thought it superior to both. But I
think it's more
> melodrama than noir. The only crime in the book
could be called
> manslaughter
> at best and there was a lot of the Freudian
psychology in it that was
> popular at the time. Though the femme fatale was a
cold-hearted bitch very
> reminiscent of Caspary's Bedelia and as ruthless as
any in hardboiled
> crime
> fiction.
> Then I saw the movie. It would be had to classify it
as noir. It's been
> argued here, I believe by Jim among others, that
just the simple fact of
> it
> being in color disqualifies it from being noir and I
tend to agree with
> that. If you do a search on IMDB for films tagged
(albeit loosely) with
> "noir" you come up with 465 movies, of those only 14
are in color. That
> means that 97% of the films tagged "noir" are black
& white. When you
> start
> looking over the list of color films you realize
that films like Leave Her
> to Heaven and A Kiss Before Dying really aren't
noir, so the percentage is
> even higher. I've not actually seen a color film
pre-1958 that I think
> stylistically fits in the genre.
> Not being color is the least of the disqualifying
aspects of the movie
> though. It's not urban. It's shot mostly in the
daylight outdoors and, the
> most disqualifying point of all--it's not really a
crime film. The
> screenwriter seemed to overlook the fact that the
crime for which one of
> the
> characters goes to jail for at the end was actually
written out of the
> story
> leaving many a viewer, I'm sure, scratching his head
at the end.
> The movie was also badly miscast with Cornel Wilde
and Gene Tierney and
> badly acted as well. It was if they were trying to
cash in on the success
> of
> Laura, but didn't emulate any of its style. It
certainly could have been
> made into a film noir, but ends up not even coming
> Jeff
-- Mark R. Harris 2122 W. Russet Court #8 Appleton WI 54914 (920) 470-9855
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