E. Borgers wrote:
> Does some Avians have an opinion
> about « Star-Stalker » by Robert
> Bloch, one of his early novels that
> was published only in 1968.
> It's not a typical Bloch suspense;
> it deals with the Hollywood of the
> end of the silent era.
> It's not even a crime novel per
> se, if I trust the preface.
It's a very good novel, possibly Bloch's best in terms of
writing quality and character development, but no, it's not a
crime novel
(except in the very tenuous sense that there are some things
done by some characters that aren't legal...but crime isn't
the theme or focus of the book).
--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "E. Borgers"
<webeurop@...> wrote:
> Does some Avians have an opinion about «
Star-Stalker » by Robert
Bloch, one of his early novels that was published only in
> It's not a typical Bloch suspense; it deals with the
Hollywood of
the end of the silent era.
> It's not even a crime novel per se, if I trust the
> Thanks for any comment.
> E.Borgers
> Polar Noir
> http://www.geocities.com/polarnoir
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