RARA-AVIS: Re: Loren Estleman

From: J.C. Hocking ( jchocking@yahoo.com)
Date: 06 Mar 2008

After selecting an Estleman story for Detroit Noir, I got a chance to meet and spend a few hours in a bar with him. He's a friendly, witty, endlessly well-informed fellow who remains stubbornly entrenched in the mid-twentieth century. Writes on a typewriter, won't touch a computer, no cell phone, was reading William McGivern and waxed eloquent on that author's virtues. And he can write very well indeed. His best work about Detroit detective Amos Walker seems to me to play in the Chandler style as well as anybody since Howard Browne. I imagine that hanging around with him is about as close as I'll ever get to spending time with one of the Black Mask boys. He's just that retro.


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