Re: RARA-AVIS: deconstructing Hieronymus, part 2

Date: 04 Mar 2008

In a message dated 3/4/08 3:07:09 PM, writes:

> Bosch and McCaleb first met in a short story. I think it was titled "Cielo
> Drive" but my memory may be faulty on that one.

thanks for the catch, T! CIELO AZUL is reprinted in the short story anthology DANGEROUS WOMEN edited by Otto Penzler.

IIRC, it was available for download on the author's website when A Darkness More Than Night came out. I remember reading it then, and also IIRC it's written in the first person from Bosch's POV, a technique Connelly would not utilize until LOST LIGHT

and if Cielo Azul isn't in first person, the short story CHRISTMAS EVEN certainly is, and is reprinted in the collection MURDER AND ALL THAT JAZZ

John Lau

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