--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Allan Guthrie"
<allan@...> wrote:
> I thought Matchpoint sucked so badly I'd have walked
out of the
theatre if I
> were on my own. And I'm a Woody Allen
> He's almost become a European film maker now.
Certainly the
financing of
> late has come from the UK and, latterly,
The adjective "European" doesn't quite define the idea, I
fear... there is way more variety within Europe than within
the US, for example. About the financing, there was money
from a Spanish producer for three films, of which the
Barcelona film has been made. I heard the producer on TV, and
he said that the other two films are not going to be made in
Spain, though he is still on board. I don't remember the
By the way, and to make this comment valid, this Catalan
producer is a
_very_ hardboiled type. His company is one of the parties in
"television war" in Spain about who owns the rights to
football games.
Anyway, I think that Allen's melos is not for everybody.
There are people who didn't like the change from slapstick
comedian to his mature style. Just like there are people, and
I know quite a few of them, who like early Stravinsky and
nothing else he composed after the mid twenties. If the melos
turns you off, what can you do? Stuff has to resonate, has to
swing. If it doesn't, you should move on. You can't
substitute loyalty for enthusiasm.
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