RARA-AVIS: Forum Format

From: Jack Bludis ( buildsnburns@yahoo.com)
Date: 20 Feb 2008

Eric Chambers said:

I'd just point out that you can already choose threads by
 heading and just decide not to read them. However, I don't advise it. I have noticed that the content
 of threads tends to mutate after a while and those
 contributing to the thread are often discussing something that is quite different to what the heading indicates. You can miss a lot.


You can solve a lot of your problems by going to the digest format. I think most of us know that threads mutate. We've learned to handle it without radical changes in format.
We may not all join in every discussion, but some of us like to keep in touch with what is happening.
Jack Bludis (Not quite a lurker, but not a frequent contributor either)

http://crimespace.ning.com/profile/JackBludis http://jackbludis.com/ Recent Story at http://backalleywebzine.com/

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