--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, Patrick King
<abrasax93@...> wrote:
> I never met anyone who actually talked like
> The media at the time had a serious
> relationship with beat counter culture. In
> recollection, none went far enough to actually
> it.
How about crime writers? I don't know every Gold Medal that
was published, but hipsters do seem conspicuously absent from
what I've read, which is a fair amount. Not only hipsters but
the jazz scene in general, as well as the early rock'n'roll
scene. In other words, most crime novels of the 50s and 60s
seem to take place in a world that leaves out no less than
what was really happening... I had never given much thought
to this but in retrospect it seems clear.
One might conclude that we've come a long way as regards a
more realistic portrayal of society in crime fiction. What do
you guys think? Just like you can no longer get away with a
TV script that is
_totally_ invented cardboard.
The thought that things have improved may cause a lot of
anxiety... I think we need to devote some months to writers
who are alive and even young!
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