I second the opinion on Elizabeth Sanxay Holding. Dangerously
and deceptively simple stylist, but hooks you like no other
writer. (Maybe even more than Woolrich, who's never been one
of my favourites.)
Dorothy Dunn anyone? She was a rare bird in Black Mask once
the magazine became hardboiled under Joseph Shaw's editorship
(there were more female writers before that). She wrote one
novel (IIRC), MURDER'S WEB, in 1950. I haven't read it, has
Earl and Marion Scott were a married couple who wrote
hardboiled crime for Black Mask in the late twenties and
early thirties. I haven't read their stories and never read
any comment on them.
There are some noirish touches in Canadian Pamela Fry's one
crime novel, HARSH EVIDENCE, from the early fifties.
Is Mary Jane Ward's THE SNAKE PIT noir? The film is, to my
mind, even though I don't really remember how it comes out in
the end.
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