--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, <funkmasterj@...>
> Any specific Joyce Carol Oates recommendations? I
know she's got a
ton of books, I have no idea which are
Definitely ZOMBIE, and FOXFIRE is noirish enough. Some of her
best work is in short fiction, and the story that made her
reputation, "Where are You Going, Where Have You Been?" is a
devastating piece of work very Very relevant here. The film
made from it, SMOOTH TALK, is an utter sellout, a real
trivialization. And even with that, not too bad a film...till
it's compared with the short story.
Very little of her work isn't at least somewhat grimly
criminous...I haven't yet read RAPE: A LOVE STORY, for
example, but I suspect I will.
Todd Mason
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