Have read a huge chunk of these and the true, glaring winners
out of the bulk of ones I've invested time and attention
toward were the first of the two Brooklyn volumes, London
edited by Cathi Unsworth, the DC and Baltimore editions by
George Pelecanos and Laura Lipman respectively, as well as
Los Angeles, edited by Denise Hamilton. All of these titles
in the series--the last volume listed in
particular--exemplified the diversity of the region and
succeeded in capturing (and in some instances modifying) the
true spirit of what noir is and all its still vast and
untapped possibilities.
The remaining ones that I've read (and there's a good chunk
I've indifferently not bothered with) and while they all
contained serviceable writing, thought they for one reason or
another were somewhat limp and or failed in their objective.
The Minneapolis volume in particular I thought was at best,
objectively weak in the knees to say the least. The Bruen
edited Dublin edition wasn't among these but surprisingly
enough, it wasn't altogether very strong which is saying
something I guess, when you consider what a rabid Bruen fan I
Hope this helps.
-PD www.yourfleshmag.com
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