--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Jeff Vorzimmer"
<jvorzimmer@...> wrote:
> Does it have the same cover as the first printing?
My copy is a
fourth and
> has a different cover and shows the date of the
second printing as
> 1955. I doubt there was a Canadian only printing,
it's more likely
to have
> been a smaller print run.
> Great job on the cover. It caught my eye. I design
CD covers
myself, but I
> often thought I'd like to do a book
> Regards,
> Jeff
I suspect it does have the same cover as the 1st. I had
remembered that March 1955 was the date for the 2nd printing,
but, I couldn't remember where I had gleaned that
information--thank you for reminding me (I probably got the
date from the 4th printing). Having never seen the 2nd, I
can't be sure, but, given its publication was supposedly a
month after the 1st, it makes sense that it would be the same
I know that a lot of these early Bantams had Canadian
printings with no interior indication that they were Canadian
printings. Externally, they usually had a higher price, 35c
vs. 25c, or 50c vs. 35c. Eventually, they stated "Printed in
Canada", and are easier to trace. By 1955 this book might
fall into the category of indicating that it was printed in
Canada, but would still show as a 1st printing. However, I
have a 1st printing Canadian Bantam of THE BARBAROUS COAST
from 1957, and it has a cover price of 25c and states that it
was printed in Canada. My (un)educated guess is that if there
is a 2nd printing of THE NAME IS ARCHER, it is a US printing,
although a lot can happen in a 2 year window. I think you are
correct that the print run was significantly smaller if it
indeed exists. This 2nd printing has become something of a
Holy Grail for me. My collection of A items is nearly
complete for US and UK titles (I'm still missing a number of
binding and dust jacket variants) and finding this elusive
paperback would be amazing.
Thank you, RE: THE ARCHER FILES cover.
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