--- Patrick King <
abrasax93@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Fine, but you're not saying Saturday Night &
> Morning and Lonliness of a Longdistance Runner,
> This Sporting Life aren't noir stories, are
Yes. That is exactly what I am saying.
> I'm not down on Blow Up. I love Blow Up. I've
> it
> numerous times. But in my estimation, Blow Up is
> noir, it's a spoof on noir.
I'm not being sarcastic but I think you missed the point of
Blow Up. It has nothing to do with Welles or Chandler. It may
be a spoof of how Heisenberg's principle entered the pop
mentality. If you watch Antonioni's other films, you will see
a non-resolution in many of them and L'ventura perhaps most
famously. One could argue that no murder occurred in Blow Up
at all. So how can you solve a non-crime? What has that to do
with Chandler or that over-rated, self-promoting hack named
Orson Welles (sorry, I had to stick that in)?
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