Re: RARA-AVIS: John Ridley

From: Terrill Lankford (
Date: 28 Nov 2007

-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Nov 28, 2007 6:24 PM
>Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: John Ridley
>I saw U-Turn, liked it. have Stray Dogs in the queue. started reading it
>once shortly after seeing the movie. it was EXACTLY the movie, so I put it
>back in the pile, to be read later when the film isn't so fresh in the mind.
>now would be fine, but unfortunately I have a very large pile
>John Lau

I believe John Ridley wrote the novel after he sold the screenplay to Stone in a (very smart) attempt to capitalize on the movie deal. That's probably why they are so very, very similar. It's sort of a novelization disguised as a novel. He got a hardcover deal out of it, so I think his ploy worked pretty well.

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