Hi All-- Terril wrote:
> Ivan, either I did not get my thoughts across
clearly (quite possible) or
> you missed the point of the post. I did not mean to
imply that YOU were
> "calling Brian onto the mat" or that you, in fact,
were responsible for the
> "twisting" of facts. There had been a series of
posts from various people
> before yours that I was also referring
Oh. Sorry, I misread it. I apologize for my tone; I should
have been more careful in my reading.
> However, I don't see how the "printed example" is
not an example of what
> everyone seemed to be looking for. And why it's not
enough to end an off
> topic debate. If those words had ever been printed
on the cover of an
> official version of any of the books, it sounds like
a solved mystery to me.
> You found the example. You cracked the
;-) Well, actually I didn't; the only reference I found to a
Burroughs Mars book as a "Martian Chronicle" was from a
bookseller's description, not from an actual image of the
cover of _The Gods of Mars_. The seller's description is
suspect because that is the only instance to be found on the
entire Bookfinder database (which is astonishingly large and
If I could have seen an actual cover image from the 1979
Ballantine PB cover, that would have cracked the case. But
the google image search leaves a lot to be desired, so I
couldn't relate the cover images to year of
And by the way, I don't think Burroughs is really off topic;
as he got older, many of his series grew darker and darker in
tone; the Venus series especially had elements of noir. And
I'm sure he influenced, in one way or another, many of the
greats. Think Chandler read Burroughs? What about
Metta, Ivan
On Nov 27, 2007 11:05 AM, Terrill Lankford <
lankford2000@earthlink.net> wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: Ivan Van Laningham <
> >Sent: Nov 27, 2007 10:00 AM
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: RARA-AVIS: Burroughs'
> >
> >Hi All--
> >My point was that the "printed example" wasn't
an example; I was not
> >"calling Brian to the mat" for anything, I'm
genuinely interested and
> >would really like the facts; I know perfectly
well he was not the
> >original poster; and any "twisting" happening
here is yours, Terril.
> >
> >Metta,
> >Ivan
> Ivan, either I did not get my thoughts across
clearly (quite possible) or
> you missed the point of the post. I did not mean to
imply that YOU were
> "calling Brian onto the mat" or that you, in fact,
were responsible for the
> "twisting" of facts. There had been a series of
posts from various people
> before yours that I was also referring
> However, I don't see how the "printed example" is
not an example of what
> everyone seemed to be looking for. And why it's not
enough to end an off
> topic debate. If those words had ever been printed
on the cover of an
> official version of any of the books, it sounds like
a solved mystery to me.
> You found the example. You cracked the
> I'm not sure what I was twisting with my post, but
it seems to be in your
> pants. So I apologize. My bad.
> TL
-- Ivan Van Laningham God N Locomotive Works http://www.pauahtun.org/ http://www.python.org/workshops/1998-11/proceedings/papers/laningham/laningham.html Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70 Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
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