In a message dated 11/25/07 4:13:25 PM, writes:
> p.s. to Lau: Winslow is terrific. The Power of the
Dog is the best
> book I've read in the past few years and The Winter
of Frankie Machine
> is not far behind.
thanks. the one in my queue is The Death and Life of Bobby Z,
which I believe precedes the two you mention as part of a
trilogy? at least, that's what I gleaned from reading the
blurbs at Borders. otherwise I would've just bought Power of
the Dog
Connelly's The Overlook was a roaring train of momentum, and
pretty short @ 200 and a few pages for a contemporary
thriller. very easy to read in one day. the bonus chapter he
has on his website was superfluous
just started Crais' The Watchman
John Lau
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