--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "Dave Zeltserman"
<dz@...> wrote:
> I would argue about it being well worth seeing. The
last half hour
> dissolves into one of the biggest piles of
pretentious crud any movie
> has given us in years and was interminable (at least
to me). Btw. I'm a
> huge Coen Brothers fan, I even liked The Lady
Killers (and I might be
> the only one!) but this was an absolute waste of 2+
I'm a huge fan of Cormac McCarthy, but was very disappointed
by _All The Pretty Horses_. I am now curious about the Coen
Bros. version of NCFOM, particularly how they handle film
time versus literary time, which McCarthy handles
masterfully. One question: if it's so faithful, how can it
become crud in the last half hour? That part of the book
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