--- jimdohertyjr <
jimdohertyjr@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Translation: Once it becomes clear that I've
> the argument,
> accuse my opponent of not clearly understanding
> I was saying in
> the first place.
Look, I told you before that we should just agree to disagree
but nooooooooo, you have to insist that you're right and not
only that but that I'm a literary elitist. Jim, I don't care.
Really. This ridiculous discussion about genre only appears
on lists where genre readers seem to be defensive about
pointless definitions. (Although obviously not all
definitions are pointless.) Okay? So, you're right, Jim.
You're always right. And you'll always be right. But I am not
going to be the crash-test dummy for your unchained anger. So
you're right, Jim. As always.
Essays and Ramblings
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