--- In
rara-avis-l@yahoogroups.com, "capnbob@..."
<capnbob@...> wrote:
> The idea that raccoons are clean because they wash
their food is
erroneous. They have very small
> throats and wet their food to help them
> Please, everyone, when you respond to a post don't
rerun the
entire thing. My scrolling hand is
> starting to cramp.
> Cap'n Bob
"Clean" is relative. Having smelled both close up, raccoons
are certainly cleaner than possums. But thanks for the
observation. I've also eaten both and while the raccoon is
somewhat preferred over the possum, neither are very
I thought the raccoon posts were all relatively short and
unlikely to tire out your scolling hand. I do agree that it
is obnoxious to have a two line comment accompanied by a
lengthy repeat. It is rarely necessary. I've also gotten a
vector on which posts can be deleted unread without great
Richard Moore
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