> Has anyone read the Jim Thompson tie-ins?
> Is his Ironside on par with the other Ironside
> or does Thompson inject his own personal style into
> Being a Thompson completist, I'm wondering if it's
worth my
> $20-$30 to track down a dog-eared copy
> of "The Undefeated" just to read a movie
I'm sorry to hear these are going for so much. Even on eBay
you could get them for a couple of bucks a few years ago. I
read both of them and enjoyed them, although I wouldn't say
that much of his personal style came through. Thompson was
one author whose work I really enjoyed, with two
exceptions--The Golden Gizmo and Child of Rage, the latter of
which was the only one that I remember costing a little
more--to add to my disappointment. I think I paid 30 or 40
dollars for a copy. Another author whose entire catalog I
read and enjoyed even more was Charles Williams.
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