Kevin wrote:
"t's not the guy with the gun who's necessarily hard-boiled;
it's the guy who stands up to the guy with the gun and
doesn't flinch who's hard-boiled."
This really comes through in the scene where an unarmed Sam
Spade walks into his apartment to find an armed Cairo and
Wilmer, who carries two guns. By the end of the scene, Spade
has all three pistols (and has previously disarmed both of
them). Does he point them at his visitors? No, he simply puts
them down on the table next to him. That's tough.
And where does this idea come from that Mike Hammer is simply
a wind up toy who shoots bad guys? I'm not a fan on his, but
he certainly has feelings and has to work through personal
problems. Which is the book where he starts off a drunk and
has to sober up to save Velma? Isn't that just the kind of
dealing with booze that Patrick complained about?
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